Your Position:Home>Products>Gland Packing & Ring >Kynol Fiber & PTFE Combined Packing & Ring 酚醛纤维和聚四氟乙烯纤维组合盘根


Kynol Fiber & PTFE Combined Packing & Ring 酚醛纤维和聚四氟乙烯纤维组合盘根

Kynol Fiber & PTFE Combined Packing & Ring 酚醛纤维和聚四氟乙烯纤维组合盘根

Made from Kynol fiber and Graphited PTFE fiber (GFO similar) or Expanded PTFE fiber. It has good sliding velocity, high pressure and thermal conductivity. It is recommended for high pressure piston pumps and centrifugal pumps with high pressure and high speed.
